September 8, 2010

Today Wei Hong,Kien Been,Tim Ci,Yan Xin Team OUTING!!

Juz wake up.. still laying on the bed... feel wanna sleep awhile more.. but cant ardy lor.. my leader Tim Ci also wake up n started to fetching ppl at cheras there and i wait him come bek again ba... i reli respect my lovely leader,so early go to fetch his member...later gonna wake Wei Hong up n he fetch ppl too.. respect our driver..^^..

AWww... later gonna go Shah Alam somewhere bicycle court cycle bicycle..Wow...
i didnt cycle bicycle 2years ardy..
9am meet at church then start going there..
10am reach there and pay fee
play untill 1pm eat lunch^^
2pm change to beach
3pm reach the beach and play alot challenges games!!
untill 6pm str8 to Klang eat seafood.. BUT
i cant eat wei!! not fair!!
i wan... but cant...
nvm.. eat soya source campur nasi^^
Hey.. I had been long time ago didnt write(conteng) anything at the blog..
Im back wei!..Recently is getting more stress,cz of my exam coming soon..
Saw alot,talked alots,done alots,played alots,experience alots..
and most important thing was ate alots(including Jesus very important too)
this two weeks i gonna make timetable full
Spiritual war had started.. believes the nation is starting to changing by God..
through our street evangelistic,pray walk,everyday pray 30 minute for the nation....

if u see this post.. i gonna to tell u. Im changed.. Dun nid to looking n thinking im still living in my passed lifestyle..

im not gonna prove how i changed.. thanks for the care guys.. love u FGA CYC every Bro n Sis